Design inspired by your local bread baking half-elf.

Doma's Lost Heir..


Heya! Thanks for taking the time and checking out my carrd and stuff! There's a lot ahead of you, so please read anything important (usually in red!), otherwise, skim, speed read, or read it all! I won't stop you.
(Everything is subject to change.)
Anyway, I'm open to both private and public RP!
I prefer it gone through /t, /em, or /party (in that order.)
Read more in #ooc on this subject!
Sorry-not-sorry, but Mare is probably going to be required if you want to RP with me.
(I have Aphantasia, so, deal with it.)
(Scenes involving ERP or otherwise 'sus' themes will not be broadcast in public channels.)

This is still a WIP, and things will definitely change overtime, so be sure to check back!

A Princess Lost...

Kiyoko is originally from The Far East, Doma. She grew up in a "happy" family that had both wealth and power; where she was raised to be a "proper" daughter of her house. At the age of 13, a diplomatic marriage was being arranged for her to further both parties political power; without a thought of how Kiyoko felt. It was her duty as the first daughter, but she felt it was extremely unfair to her, and fought with her father on this matter countless times. A few days before her ceremony however, her trusted and very close retainer Sebastian, an Elezen from the West came to her after hours and helped her escape her fate. Knowing he'd face severe punishment, he couldn't stand by and see a the girl he has taken care of for her entire life live a life of misery. He knew all the routes the guards took, he knew the secret exits, and he knew when would be the perfect time to escape. When the guards were changing shifts, he escorted the confused and sleepy Princess through the escape tunnels that traveled underground in the estate, and out of the city. Sebastian had to stay behind however, but he knew she would make it on her own; he sensed something in her.

She wandered and wandered until she found someone to help her, a small group of commoners.. or were they peasants? She was lucky, being so young and of 'royal blood', she managed to find safety.

Fast forward another 13 years, Kiyoko is wandering the western world of Eorzea. She always had an affinity for cooking so she traveled around this new world learning from various chefs and has become quite the culinarian. To most people, she'll appear to be just that and nothing more; trying to blend into society the best she can in a different land. She eventually got a good chunk of Gil and decided to buy her own apartment in The Goblet. It's nothing grand, but it's a great start in this new land. On another side however, she's been learning she has a decent bit of control of Aether, though she lacks the training. Times when she has hurt herself she's accidentally healed her wounds, she wasn't exactly sure what was happening, but she knew she had some sort of power. Over time she's training herself almost daily on controlling Aether, though she didn't know how exactly far her potential for this went; nor did she think she would need ever need it. At some point in her life, she went back to the Doma Enclave and helped restore it. Being from Doma, she felt obligated to restore her home. Though she would do well to make her contributions anonymous, and keep out of sight from anyone from when she was a child. Even if those times are long gone, she does not want to dig up the past. She isn't even sure if her family is still searching for her or not..

She's grown a liking to Magitek; a lot. She loves the Garlean's tech and inventions, but she most certainly as a distaste for the Empire. Her skills in this area have grown exponentially; she's found herself rather addicted to finding new ways to make things, tear them apart or putting things back together in working order.. Almost to an unhealthy amount..

A Twisted Fate..

Kiyoko is originally from The Far East, though from where exactly is unknown. She grew up on the streets of Kugane, never really having a place to call home. She has no known family, and the friends she once had growing up either died of starvation, crime, or they just.. mysteriously vanished. She herself did anything she could, especially as a young girl she had to show she was stronger and faster than anyone.. She was thrown in the gaol's more times than she could count by the time she was around thirteen. Through the years she gained skills in thieving, lying, and fighting her way out of any problem or situation. It was her duty as the first daughter, but she felt it was extremely unfair to her, and fought with her father on this matter countless times. One day she eventually caught the attention from a Doman man who came to her as she was scarfing down some stale bread in an alley. Apprehensive & curt at first, she allowed him to get closer and help and teach her ways of the blade, further enhancing her skills to protect herself. Little did she know however, this man was head of the Royal Guard for Doma.. He grew a liking to her and would teach her many things in life, from communication skills, to trading, to even more mundane things such as meditation. One night, after she had recently come of age, they met in the usual location.. The Rakuza district in Kugane, where she spent most of her days growing up & surviving. The man easily overpowered her, despite all the training she'd gone through. She fought to the best of her abilities but it was to no avail—he got what he wanted, and it would scar her for life. After all was said and done, he got up, putting on his gear. He gave Kiyoko two options: either die like a street rat no one will ever respect, or join under his command in the Royal Guard.

She didn't really have a choice.. She was hurt, confused, and above all else, she felt betrayed. In the heat of the moment she just told him to kill her and that she didn't want to live any longer, she hated her life. Every day was a struggle just to survive. As he drew his knife and put it to her throat, she looked him dead in the eyes without flinching a muscle. Something made him stop. Perhaps it was her defiant look to the very last moment, or perhaps it was the guilt of his actions. Either way, he decided to keep her alive and take her into servitude.She later joined the Elite Guard for a handful of years before Doma's utter destruction.

Fast forward another 3 years, Kiyoko is wandering the East or sitting in Kugane's tavern's with no real goals or ambitions in life. The only thing she's ever known is now gone, her longest "friend" presumed dead, and her only call to life was destroyed. At present she can likely be found in Kugane.

Some Info on Kiyoko..

Age: 21
Race: Au Ra | Xaela
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: ???
Eyes: Red
Limbals: Black
Occupation: Retainer, Hired Guard, Hired Killer
Classes: SAM, PGL
Voice: Raspy/Breathy
Hobbies: Tsch..
Known Languages: Common & Hingan
Personality: Suspicious, Quiet, and Paranoid.
Accent: Heavy Eastern.
Aether/Magick Ability: Strong Aether Reserves.
Note Worthy Information: //

Habits / Traits / Markings• Her trauma may cause unpredictable actions.
• She will likely come off rude or uncaring.
• When nervous, she will try to get out of a situation.
• She thinks herself smarter and stronger than everyone else.
• She may soften towards you over time.
• She is confident, and often arrogant.
Likes / Dislikes
• She has a habit of digging her thumb into her palm.
• She prefers solitude.
• She enjoys proving she's better than others.
• She likes Sushi/Sashimi.
• She loves Ramen.
• She enjoys Sake and other things.
• She dislikes being touched.• She hates being surrounded.
• She hates others handling her weapon(s).
Current Scenario(s)

Some Info on Kiyoko..

Age: 26
Race: Hyur (Hingan/Doman)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight (Unless?)
Eyes: Light Blue
Occupation: Healer & Culinarian
Classes: CUL, GSM, SGE
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Voice: Bubbly/High
Hobbies: Cooking, Drawing, Making schematics of Magitek gadgets/weapons, Tinkering with/creating Magitek equipment.
Known Languages: Common & Doman/Hingan
Tattoos: Tattoo of an Eastern Dragon on her back, symbolizing her house/family. Also has sleeve tattoo's on her arms. Nothing symbolic. (As seen in-game via Mare)
Personality: Suspicious, Anxious, Quiet, and timid.
Accent: Heavy Eastern — Tries to hide her "royalty" with commoner accents/mannerisms.
Aether/Magick Ability: Self taught, potential unknown. Healer properties.
Note Worthy Information: She often wears gloves that she created, and uses them to tinker, destroy, dismantle, or create. Inside are various tools that she controls all with her fingers, thumb, and eyes. It's neuro-linked to her brain, it's experimental and dangerous but it's extremely precise and useful. (If the glove is damaged while in use, it has a few fail-safes to ensure Kiyoko is unharmed). All of her work is marked with a small 'Cat' symbol, her signature. It's usually etched, carved, printed, or welded into some part of the item in question. — She has the equivalent of two Michelin Star's in her culinary feats. She was also given a perfect '10' during her time in the Dellemont d'Or and this only served to skyrocket her career even further.

Habits / Traits / Markings• Her trauma may cause unpredictable actions.
• She loves her bike more than she'll ever love you. (Unless?)
• She tends to accidentally ignore others while focused on work.
• Has the name "Hatori" tattoo'd on her back, with her dragon tattoo in Doman.
• When nervous or anxious, she tends to try to get away from the situation.
• She thinks herself above commoners and other lowly individuals. As a highborn, she'll probably slip a comment on you being poor or filthy. (Accidentally, of course..)
• She is confident, and often arrogant.
• She has a pet Fox.. Kon-Kon!
Likes / Dislikes• She loves cooking, obviously.
• She enjoys proving she's better than others.
• She likes Sushi/Sashimi.
• She loves Ramen.
• She enjoys Sake, occasionally.
• Magitek Gadgets / Vehicles / etc
• Loves learning about new tech and similar things.
• She likes the innocent, civilian people called the Garlean's, but has a strong dislike for the Empire.
• She hates being disturbed or distracted while working on something.• She hates unclean/disgusting people.Current Scenario(s)

Out of Character Information

So I guess I'll start with that I've been playing FFXIV for a few years now. I started way back on primal as a Miqo'te, on a trial account. I quit shortly after that, then came back and made an Au Ra girl also on primal; that I played on for a good bit. Eventually I stopped playing there due to boredom and lack of interesting people— minus my small friend group. I came to Balmung awhile ago, and made another Miqo'te (Who is now a FemRa in canon; God I love Au Ra), and well.. that's Kiyoko! My main that I've sunk way too many hours into.I'm a pretty chill person, I love all sorts of games- some of which may surprise you. I'm a fucking emo, and listen to old bands like C&C, ADtR, SOAD, Slip, FIR, BB, BFMV, PtV (Ugh, yes), BvB, BtF (Ugh, yes x2), and many more. But I also love Joyner Lucas, Eminem, Little Dicky, (snort), BLACK PINK, and others. Uhmmm.. Yeah! If you wanna know more, ask I guess.Thanks for reading, dork.

I'm very much into "Normal" RP as I am in ERP. ERP is for my alts now though. Sorry, can't dick the Princess.
• I AFK a LOT. If I don't respond sometimes, that's more than likely why.
• I'm a fantasia addict.. → Can I have it? ←
• Uhh, I'm a girl? Weird.
• I'm over 21.
• I keep all E/RP in-game between characters | Do not try to bring ERP OOC.
• I make friends fairly easily, so don't be fooled by my appearance or the way I talk sometimes.
One thing I hate: Do not just start RP with me unless I have the RP tag on! You will be either ignored or turned down. Otherwise, feel free to just /tell and chill with me.

The following page is completely optional.I hornypost a lot, let's be honest, but ERP is not my main focus believe it or not. I am more than likely into a lot more shit than you, especially when it comes to the darker things, but yeah.. Safe to say, NSFW is okay by me, but as I've said before, I enjoy regular RP a bit more.I do not do one-off's. Those days are long behind me, and I don't plan on bringing that back. Sorry, but figure out a hook and make the E/RP canon for all parties, otherwise, stick to regular RP.Pervert.Do not enter if under the age of 18.
(Currently unavailable.)